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“Finding My Dance” is the name of Colin Hay’s upcoming tour

The next tour of Colin Hay is called “Finding My Dance”, with some dates already set for Australia, USA and UK in 2013. He explains the reason:

“An aboriginal man once came backstage after a show and said to me in a kindly voice, “Where’s your dance? I used to like your dance, you’ve lost your dance mate, you’ve gotta find your dance.” So, I set out in search of it, looking here, there and everywhere in all corners of the globe. Quite soon I realized that “finding my dance” is an inner search, and that whilst I may never truly find it, it matters not. What’s important is to keep searching, and in the process, refine and simplify the steps.”

FINDING MY DANCE is Hay’s expression for connecting with one’s authentic self. In the process, he takes the audience on a musical journey, sometimes straight down the main road, and sometimes taking the twists and turns of the road less traveled.

Colin Hay performs solo for his show “Finding my Dance”. Colin recounts stories from his life, people and extra-ordinary places, delivered with his unique, side splitting comic gift, interwoven with classic songs like “Down Under”, “Overkill”, “Beautiful World” and “Waiting For My Real Life To Begin” that have defined his amazing musical career.

Check where he is passing through with “Finding My Dance” and don’t miss the opportunity of watching this great performance live:
